
Player Roster

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Team Id Last Name First Name Affiliation
1 Stevens Glenn Friend of SDSU Crew
1 Olson Andy Rowed 1997-2000
1 Olson Anne Friend of SDSU Crew
1 Hosack Michael Friend of SDSU Crew
2 Pawlak Bill Friend of SDSU Crew
2 Pawlak Connor Friend of SDSU Crew
2 Pawlak Matt Rowed 2001-2004
2 Wittler Jake Rowed 1999-2002
3 Knosp Jeff Friend of SDSU Crew
3 Wischnack Scott Friend of SDSU Crew
3 Wischnack Brent Rowed 2002-2005
3 Wischnack Ryan Friend of SDSU Crew
4 Stewart Matt Rowed 2013-2016
4 Ritchey Sean Friend of SDSU Crew
4 Kennington Kam Rowed 2011-2015
4 Dillard Scott Rowed 1979-1983
5 Pollock Aaron Rowed 1989-1990
5 Dorosewicz Tom Friend of SDSU Crew
5 Burgess Mark Friend of SDSU Crew
5 Harvey Tanner Varsity Athlete
6 Gogin Melissa Coxswain 2014-2018
6 Melcher McKenzie Coxswain 2013-2017
6 Hurst Tanner Friend of SDSU Crew
6 Olinger Henry Frosh Athlete
7 Osborn Jim Rowed 1995-1996
7 Lewis Steve Rowed 1991-1995
7 Smith Dan Rowed 1996-1999
7 Osborn Daniel Friend of SDSU Crew
8 Potts Lucas Frosh Athlete
8 Farr Eric Rowed 2005-2008
8 Anaya Jamie Rowed 2006-2007
8 Booze Brian Friend of SDSU Crew
9 Miller Rick Rowed 2006-2010
9 Kalagher Dan Friend of SDSU Crew
9 Newkumet Chase Friend of SDSU Crew
9 McGloin Jeff Friend of SDSU Crew
10 Ebert Rosario Rowed 2019-2020
10 Kemper Michael Rowed 2019-2020
10 Heaphy Lincoln Friend of SDSU Crew
10 Lupidi Marcello Frosh Athlete